Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Belly Flops...

After receiving my third set of
non competitive
medical college admission test
I've decided on two options:

A) Go to a Caribbean Medical School
(which I'm not opposed to)


B) Go in a completely new direction.

Sometimes, a belly flop is intentional.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Strait Jacket

Case Study for Sanity:

Is it more 'insane' to truly believe you
are somebody you are not?
"I AM Captain Hook"


Is it more 'insane' to pretend to be
somebody you are not?
Knowingly mis-leading others -

Might the latter be a precursor to the former?

psych patients: mis-judged? or mis-leading?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Frump Not

Today you noticed a large stain on your favorite
sweatpants....if you have to ask yourself,
"where did that stain come from?"
You might be a frump.

If you are not working out...
why are you wearing sweatpants?

You have had the same hair-do
from grade-school to grad-school,
You might be a frump.

All your favorite food recipes are
WARNING: You might be a frump!

Look in the mirror-
you wore that shirt yesterday
on Friday.
There's no question
You Frumpy.

Frump= typically a woman who wears dowdy clothes; thus making herself unattractive.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Earth Embryo

I was sitting in church one afternoon
and this sketch came out of my pen.

The Earth was developed over a period
of time, before it was called good..

just like me.

Has it ever occurred to anyone else
that the Earth was born?