Harold was a young American GI, laid up in a British hospital
after having his appendix removed. Not overly bothered by the
R & R from his daily duties in the military, he was feeling sore
in the lower right side of his abdomen. To take his mind of the
pain, Harold went to visit a guy in another ward he happened
to know.
Not knowing his friend had visitors, Harold came upon his
friend talking with two women. His friend had been courting an
English woman and as this woman wanted to visit, she brought
a chaperone. Heaven smiled on Harold and he struck up a
conversation with the chaperone: a beautiful, petite brunette
with bright blue eyes.
At the time Harold had no idea he was looking at
the mother of his future children, let alone the fact that she
was only sixteen years old; but his bold heart eventually
captured her.
After 58 years of marriage, Harold still tells his grandchildren,
"I gave up a part of my body to meet her." His posterity are
so glad that he did and more so that she said yes.