Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bearnadettes: A tribute to Beth

My brilliantly creative friend Beth introduced
me to the Bearnadettes when we were little
girls and I recently made a video for her as a
birthday present - Happy Birthday Nawanda!

Warning: video contains story line that may
have been created by
two overly dramatic &
witty little girls

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Looking at the Moon

I love to hear my grandparents share stories
from their lives. I must pester them for details
and always find in my diggings, special
memories to treasure.

For instance, my mother's mother told me,
"I used to look up at the moon as a young
girl, wishing for somebody to love me."
To which I replied "and he found you!"
Gramma in turn said, "your Grampa, doesn't
always say it, but I know he loves me
because he shows me in his actions."

This leads into a full blown
Love Story - for another time....

The last few nights, the moon has looked
to me especially beautiful.

The last few nights, past meets present,
as I look to
the same moon
and wish for the same things.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good Friends..Good Day

I celebrated my birthday
this week

(lei made by friend)


Friday, April 23, 2010

Do you hear the music?

My dearest friend Ann recently shared a story about her love life:
"relationships are like the ice cream truck, you hear him coming
- softly at first - and suddenly he's there." You weren't looking
for an ice cream cone, but now that you see it, you like it.

Like dating, there are many flavors: you decide on the chocolate
dipped cone - with sprinkles - there are two common ways to
ingest: take dainty licks, savoring the creamy taste or one-two gone.

Eventually...the ice cream truck pulls away and the music disappears

Some may be feeling left broken...angry..frustrated..why did the
truck leave? Is HE coming back?! I NEED another cone!!! Why
did I ever get sucked into the cone in the first place?! Darn you,
Darn you, ice cream truck!

Others remember, the ice cream truck will come back -- perhaps
a better truck will come? with cones tasting sweeter than the last.
The music invites those who are listening -
So, Do you hear the music?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Real Love Remembered

Press Play on the video:
Music will play as you read the story...

Early summer 1947: Alice was twenty years old and feeling
tired from summer school. She ate little for dinner and retired
early to her room. Sometime around nine o'clock, Alice's stomach
began to ache for want of food.

Not until she reached the kitchen, did Alice notice all the lights
in the house were off and the gramophone loving produced Debussy.
She slowly stepped into the adjoining room.

Outside the living room window, two people sat side by side.
A petite figure resting it's head against the large shoulder next to it.
Alice quietly crept closer to get a better look.

Her parents, seldom displaying physical affection for one
another, were holding hands and gazing at the moon
on a peaceful summer night.

Claire de Lune danced on the humid air,
along with the rhythmic cicadas,
as longtime lovers enjoyed each others company.

Noiselessly, Alice made her way back through the house.
Eventually finding the way back to her room. Rarely a time passed,
when Alice heard the romantic sounds of Claire de Lune,
did she not think of her parents.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy to have a Home.

The photograph pictured above was taken on "The Hill"

The Hill is where the homeless of San Francisco hangout.

With all the hard days that I face going to work, attending class,
and fulfilling my other obligations.......

I remember life is hard for the homeless.

From the safety of my kitchen table I write

In the comfort of my soft bed I dream

Driving in my new car I make exciting plans

I'm always cooking up new meals to consume

I know that people care about me

My desire is to continually encourage others

to always be the best them

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My neighbor is over 65

I woke up this morning to the sound of a weed-wacker and a man's voice outside my bedroom window. My response was to roll over and go back to sleep.

About an hour later I pulled myself out of bed and moseyed around the kitchen another hour before I stepped outside onto my font porch - where I found Bill, my neighbor, sweeping up the grass particles he had created while edging my yard.

After beautifying my yard - Bill checked the oil in my car.

I'll be baking him something nice this week.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My first post of goodness....

Three people waiting in line alongside me to donate blood.

I picked up my phone to call Mama, "Mom, where are you? Are you near the hospital? will you come hold my hand?...I'm going to donate blood...ok, ok, see you soon. Thanks Mom" (p.s. I'm almost 30)

In 15 minutes I learned:

Man #1: Lived in Ghana a short while - volunteering in hospitals, Loves the Texas Longhorns and flirting with freckled faced

Woman #1: Donates blood every 6 months, has two children - one delivered naturally after 14 hours of labor and the second
child cesarean due to the nature of the baby's breech position. She also spent two days in Paris last November.

Woman #2: Just moved here from California and was appalled at the lack of recycling options available in her new home state.
She has always had an interest in further her efforts in reducing waste - I gave her some tips.

Isn't it nice how easily you can make friends?

Oh yeah, save a life...donate blood!