I picked up my phone to call Mama, "Mom, where are you? Are you near the hospital? will you come hold my hand?...I'm going to donate blood...ok, ok, see you soon. Thanks Mom" (p.s. I'm almost 30)
In 15 minutes I learned:
Man #1: Lived in Ghana a short while - volunteering in hospitals, Loves the Texas Longhorns and flirting with freckled faced
Woman #1: Donates blood every 6 months, has two children - one delivered naturally after 14 hours of labor and the second
child cesarean due to the nature of the baby's breech position. She also spent two days in Paris last November.
Woman #2: Just moved here from California and was appalled at the lack of recycling options available in her new home state.
She has always had an interest in composting...to further her efforts in reducing waste - I gave her some tips.
Isn't it nice how easily you can make friends?

Oh yeah, save a life...donate blood!
You sound like a grown up, but you don't want to grow up. Just from needing your Mom to hold your hand while donating blood. You also sound friendly. People talk to you easily.