Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My neighbor is over 65

I woke up this morning to the sound of a weed-wacker and a man's voice outside my bedroom window. My response was to roll over and go back to sleep.

About an hour later I pulled myself out of bed and moseyed around the kitchen another hour before I stepped outside onto my font porch - where I found Bill, my neighbor, sweeping up the grass particles he had created while edging my yard.

After beautifying my yard - Bill checked the oil in my car.

I'll be baking him something nice this week.


  1. That is so sweet! What a nice neighbor. The photo captures the memory well.
    By the way, you need to fix your e-mail address under Submit a Piece of You.

  2. Oooo thanks for catching my Goof! I saw him through the blinds...and ran around from the back to capture this image! SUch a sweet guy!
