Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Aphrodite Bites - cont

February of Last Year

A few small crowds were milling about inside the hotel’s small ballroom after the lecture let out. Mary was talking with her mother and the wife of David Vega the guest speaker of tonight’s lecture topic and the local hero of conservative talk radio in Houston Texas. “So what have you been doing since I last saw you Mary?” asked Karen Vega. “Well,” said Mary haltingly, “I got laid off in November, broke up with my boyfriend and moved back to Texas from Utah and now, I’ve taken up a cooking class in addition to working for my dad” - A nervous laugh punctuating her explanation.

It had been four months since Mary moved back in with her parents and younger siblings and it felt embarrassing to her to admit, especially to Karen Vega, that she was a life failure at 27 years old. Karen and Mary’s Mom, Cheryl, had known each other for the last 8 years, as they attended the same church congregation. “We just love having her home, I hated having my baby so far away,” said Cheryl, “besides you kept telling me how much you hated your job anyway.” Mary glanced passed her mother’s right ear and noticed an extremely attractive dark haired man speaking to David Vega twenty feet away. Mary turned her attention back to the women, “I am glad to be home, I missed my family and I’m hoping that starting over will give me the opportunity to do something I’ve always wanted to do,” said Mary, “like, open a small boho eatery. Houston’s downtown is being revitalized and this is the time to do it.” Again, Mary glanced down at the dark haired man talking to David Vega. Mary’s focus was interrupted by Karen’s sudden question, “are you dating anyone right now?” Mary always had a short list a men she was going on dates with, but no one she was immediately interested in. “No one I’m seriously dating,” Mary said. Which was mostly true, because the one man she did talk to on a regular basis lived in Utah and they had only met the day before Mary moved home to Texas. Karen’s expression changed and she said, “Do you see that young man speaking to David?” Mary stated that she indeed had seen him and noticed that he was indeed, very attractive. “well that's Kirk Freeman, he has a great job, he’s an engineer for one of the big oil companies around here – David’s known him for years – Kirk went to school with our boys and he's still single.”

At the exact moment Karen said, “still single,” Karen began moving in the direction of her husband and Kirk saying, “you should go talk to him.” “No,” Mary said, “I don’t know him, I don’t have anything to say.” Karen just smiled and said, “that’s ok, I’ll walk over there and you can just come with me.” Karen, Cheryl and Mary moved toward David and Kirk. When the twenty feet between them had been covered, Mary said, “hello Mr. Vega,” smiled at Kirk and just kept walking, until she reached the door to the ballroom, exited and found a small water fountain in the lobby to extinguish her burned attempt at introductions.

At five feet and three inches, silky long brown hair and fair skin peppered with light freckles and large blue eyes, Mary could just about smile at any man and he would stop the world to start a conversation – about anything – and Mary was quite familiar with the routine, it got her free meals in restaurants, front row space at concerts and discounts in stores. Mary was typically a picture of cool when it came to men, never one to feel intimidated by the opposite sex – it was the opposite – Mary felt like she had some special gift of charm when it came to enchanting conversation. There is one time in the history of Mary’s world when she felt a complete loss for words around a male. It was high school and she had a crush on Brit Daley. Brit was tall, blonde, tan, a soccer guru and her dentist’s oldest son. Oh how she loved pretending she hated his guts, but she didn’t, however she sure made Brit feel like she did. Mary eventually grew up and forgot about Brit Daley, until she drank the cold water coming from the fountain.

Mary stood at the water fountain for another three or four seconds, when Kirk came out of the ballroom door, Mary stooped to take another drink as Kirk walked passed with quick steps toward the main entrance of the hotel. Mary waited until Kirk had left the immediate area before moving inside the ballroom to collect her mother and to say goodnight to Mr. and Mrs. Vegas. Why she had felt incompetent, was beyond her understanding, but unconcerned by this queer encounter Mary moved her thoughts onto her life goals. Step one: find investors for her business plans.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Aphrodite Bites -

And the story begins:

Hit and Run

Mary fumbled with the knobs on her car stereo as she drove down the deserted neighborhood street. It was only eight o’clock, but the sun had already been down an hour when Mary left the restaurant. She had felt exhausted as she climbed into the car, but now felt more alive as the refreshing October air flew in her open window. Houston summers were long and hot, but the fall was perfect – tonight’s temperature was a crisp 62 degrees –which was slightly cooler than the last week had been. The restaurant was the brainchild of Mary and Claire. Mary had gathered the capital from investors and ran the daily operations, but her younger sister Claire was the genius behind a majority of the items on the tasty menu. Since Mary could remember Claire was always in the kitchen making food. Even now, with four children running about the house, Claire made time to whip up a fresh batch of pesto – made straight from the garden that flourished in her back yard.

Mary, taking her eyes off the vacant street for about three seconds, peered up at the stars and thought to herself how peaceful the Universe felt tonight, “I love October” she sighed. Mary brought her focus back to the road, just in time to see a stop sign on the looming street corner and just in front of the car a human body. Forcing her right foot down on the break as hard and fast as her mind could reach her lower extremity was not quick enough to prevent what happened next. The human on the road realizing too late that the driver of the car had not seen him, had fortunately moved the majority of his body from a full impact of the vehicle, but was still thrown aggressively to the asphalt as the car came to a halt. Mary screamed and hurled herself out of the car.

“My arm, oh my arm” a man’s voice moaned has he lay uncomfortably on the ground clutching his shoulder. As Mary approached the man, her hands fell away from her face and she disbelievingly stuttered, “Ki - Kirk? I was, oh my gosh, are you ok?” Kirk pushed himself into a sitting position on the pavement, road debris was smeared onto his white t-shirt, blue jogging shorts and worn in Brooks, still clutching his shoulder, he took a deep breathe and replied in a relaxed voice, “I think it’s dislocated, I’m going to need to go to an urgent care, would you mind giving me a ride to my house Mary?” Mary held her hand out to steady Kirk while he stood up. Humiliated, Mary spoke, “I’m so sorry, I should have paid closer attention to the road, Kirk, I’m terribly embarrassed – let me drive you to the urgent care?” Kirk was suddenly annoyed at the inconvenience of being thrown off his jog and now having to deal with a dislocated shoulder, not knowing how long he’ll have to rest, “I appreciate it Mary, I’ll be fine, just a ride to my house please?” he replied calmly.

After apologizing again, several more times, and offering any help she could, Mary dropped Kirk off on his driveway and watched him disappear through the front door. It wasn’t until she backed down the driveway, and turned out of his cul-de-sac into the direction of Claire’s home again, that she burst out laughing at the irony of the situation. Kirk and Mary had an awkward history together, which began in February of last year, a month before going on their first date.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A River Runs Through It?

My Parents bought a farm:

Missouri, USA

some 40+ acres and house under contruction

So, I've been out in the country - sans internet and cell phone coverage really

and since it takes forever to upload photos

I'll add more photos when I return to civilization.....

Until then, I'll continue to enjoy the great outdoors!!

Not a river, but a sizable creek runs through it

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Return of the Posts

I've spent the last month or so pounding
the pavement for a new job.

Applying to one or two jobs a day -

eat rice crunchies
apply for job opening

It is very exhausting,
but fun
to live a life of constant faith.

As of this week: school has started back again,
all the college kids have gone back to school,
leaving more job openings.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Peace Returns

What an amazing event it is

when peace eludes from your past.

Days that seemed hopeless,
weeks which felt endless,
and the months spent feeling
incapable of waiting to get older.

Suddenly, these ill moments are forgotten,
and all the beautiful memories of
that era flood into your heart on a lonely night.
People who loved you
return to their place in your heart,
and you find
your appreciation for them is

Kindness goes on forever
through old emails
and letters.
All the happiness,
which was dilluted by hurt,
becoming bold
and builds confidence
for the future.

My peace is my past.

My hope is my present.

My love is my future.

*Thoughts by my friend*
the Lovely Lynly

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Belly Flops...

After receiving my third set of
non competitive
medical college admission test
I've decided on two options:

A) Go to a Caribbean Medical School
(which I'm not opposed to)


B) Go in a completely new direction.

Sometimes, a belly flop is intentional.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Strait Jacket

Case Study for Sanity:

Is it more 'insane' to truly believe you
are somebody you are not?
"I AM Captain Hook"


Is it more 'insane' to pretend to be
somebody you are not?
Knowingly mis-leading others -

Might the latter be a precursor to the former?

psych patients: mis-judged? or mis-leading?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Frump Not

Today you noticed a large stain on your favorite
sweatpants....if you have to ask yourself,
"where did that stain come from?"
You might be a frump.

If you are not working out...
why are you wearing sweatpants?

You have had the same hair-do
from grade-school to grad-school,
You might be a frump.

All your favorite food recipes are
WARNING: You might be a frump!

Look in the mirror-
you wore that shirt yesterday
on Friday.
There's no question
You Frumpy.

Frump= typically a woman who wears dowdy clothes; thus making herself unattractive.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Earth Embryo

I was sitting in church one afternoon
and this sketch came out of my pen.

The Earth was developed over a period
of time, before it was called good..

just like me.

Has it ever occurred to anyone else
that the Earth was born?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Advice When Cooking...

"Garlic is like underwear;
you shouldn't go without it."

-my darling sister

Thursday, May 20, 2010


When I was still in grade school, I heard of some one called
a philanthropist.
I knew I wanted to be one - so I could help people.

In this pursuit to help people, I decided that I needed a
great job or idea, so I could make loads of cash...
to help people.

Today whilst reading the Reader's Digest, I skimmed through
the 100 Things We Love About America - finding pearls
of wisdom from a 21 year old recent college graduate.

He said, "you don't have to be a billionaire to be
a philanthropist. You just have to ask, 'what can
I do to help?'"

What good insight.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rainy Day Highlights

Thoughts from the weekend:

I'm sitting here reading e-mails, listening to a thunderstorm, with the front door and all the windows thrown open. I can't tell you how nice the weather is...where I live. Last Friday evening, the room mate, some friends and I walked down the street from our house to pick wild blackberries for smoothies. I've been studying a lot lately and it feels good to do something different.

I hope those of you who enjoy the Earth, have an appreciation for all the workings of God. I mean, just today I was reading about meiosis and thinking about how the body recycles - then I was thinking the Earth recycles all sorts of things - where am I going with this? The elements are so obedient to universal/eternal laws. How can any person study life/science and not believe in God? Astonishing...all things work toward equilibrium or homeostasis, or as you like it!

Love how floral scents cling to humid air, making life smell so good after rain.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Conversation with God

I imagined to myself, the place I existed in before
I came to the Earth. My feelings of excitement to
come to such a beautiful place were also accompanied by hesitance.

My Father in Heaven sat down with me at large,
heavenly dinning room table, like any home, the place were families talk.

I asked Him how I would navigate through life - with all of it's twists and turns. He told me there would be trials, even asking me which trials I might be able to overcome and learn from while I lived upon the Earth. I was promised, with each trial came blessings through my obedience to the predicated laws. Included in those promised blessings were a list of special people who would lend support and encouragement throughout my life - I would in return be a blessing to their lives. I believe that I chose my life-trials, knowing that the Lord would send help and give me access to the light that would guide me safely back into His presence.

Leaving that heavenly dinner table, I was confident in the words of my Father and excited to do His work here on the Earth.

In the short time that I have been on the Earth, I have been given many blessings and made friendships that have brought me comfort and joy. I think about my conversation, as I imagine it, from time to time to remind myself that I chose to come here and I hope to always remember my Eternal heritage as a Child of God.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Favorite Things

In two weeks:

I will set aside one day to

find the perfect book.

The next day I will plan to:

not get out of my pajamas

maybe not wash my hair

and read all day long........

One of my favorite paintings
by Jesse

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ode to my Pirates

Sometimes life doesn't make any sense;
but that doesn't mean it wont work itself out.

Some days are full of sunshine and butterflies;

Then drama pirates highjack your life -
leaving you
to walk a plank.....

Brave the unknown and take the plunge;
it just may open your eyes to a
new life elsewhere

someday, you may thank the pirates
for changing your life
for the better.

The Duel between Blackbeard the pirate and lieutenant Maynard in Ocracoke Bay - painting by Jean Leon Gérome FERRIS (August 8, 1863 to March 18, 1930).

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Never stop learning

This afternoon a doctor told me an interesting story about his
fellowship training; before he started his own medical practice.
He and his classmates were closing a long day in the hospital with
group rounds (where students follow an Attending Doctor or "the boss").
Already over-worked and under slept, the students were eager to leave.
The Attending, Dr. X, liked to make his students feel about 1 inch tall,
by reminding them they were troglodytes in comparison to him, with
his knowledge and experience.

So, it was after a long day, people were hungry/tired and Dr. X was
finishing a long explanation of how particular ventilators worked -
not just in the hospital, but how the ventilators worked in space
(as if, somehow the usage of ventilators in space was common to
the average medical doctor).
Dr. X closed his remarks and a hand shot up from the back of the group.
The students inwardly groaned, as the raised hand spoke up and said,

"Dr. X, you're wrong about the ventilators."

Dr. X, replied, "I didn't hear you correctly, what did you say?"

again the voice said, "you're wrong about the ventilators. I've been
to space and they don't work like you say they do."

The raised hand in the back of the group belonged to a former
Astronaut, who had been to space twice. After the grueling experience
to become an Astronaut, the man decided to go back to school to
become a doctor.

The point of the story was to encourage me to never to stop learning.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I gave up a part of my body to meet her....

Harold was a young American GI, laid up in a British hospital
after having his appendix removed. Not overly bothered by the
R & R from his daily duties in the military, he was feeling sore
in the lower right side of his abdomen. To take his mind of the
pain, Harold went to visit a guy in another ward he happened
to know.

Not knowing his friend had visitors, Harold came upon his
friend talking with two women. His friend had been courting an
English woman and as this woman wanted to visit, she brought
a chaperone. Heaven smiled on Harold and he struck up a
conversation with the chaperone: a beautiful, petite brunette
with bright blue eyes.

At the time Harold had no idea he was looking at
the mother of his future children, let alone the fact that she
was only sixteen years old; but his bold heart eventually
captured her.

After 58 years of marriage, Harold still tells his grandchildren,
"I gave up a part of my body to meet her." His posterity are
so glad that he did and more so that she said yes.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bearnadettes: A tribute to Beth

My brilliantly creative friend Beth introduced
me to the Bearnadettes when we were little
girls and I recently made a video for her as a
birthday present - Happy Birthday Nawanda!

Warning: video contains story line that may
have been created by
two overly dramatic &
witty little girls

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Looking at the Moon

I love to hear my grandparents share stories
from their lives. I must pester them for details
and always find in my diggings, special
memories to treasure.

For instance, my mother's mother told me,
"I used to look up at the moon as a young
girl, wishing for somebody to love me."
To which I replied "and he found you!"
Gramma in turn said, "your Grampa, doesn't
always say it, but I know he loves me
because he shows me in his actions."

This leads into a full blown
Love Story - for another time....

The last few nights, the moon has looked
to me especially beautiful.

The last few nights, past meets present,
as I look to
the same moon
and wish for the same things.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good Friends..Good Day

I celebrated my birthday
this week

(lei made by friend)


Friday, April 23, 2010

Do you hear the music?

My dearest friend Ann recently shared a story about her love life:
"relationships are like the ice cream truck, you hear him coming
- softly at first - and suddenly he's there." You weren't looking
for an ice cream cone, but now that you see it, you like it.

Like dating, there are many flavors: you decide on the chocolate
dipped cone - with sprinkles - there are two common ways to
ingest: take dainty licks, savoring the creamy taste or one-two gone.

Eventually...the ice cream truck pulls away and the music disappears

Some may be feeling left broken...angry..frustrated..why did the
truck leave? Is HE coming back?! I NEED another cone!!! Why
did I ever get sucked into the cone in the first place?! Darn you,
Darn you, ice cream truck!

Others remember, the ice cream truck will come back -- perhaps
a better truck will come? with cones tasting sweeter than the last.
The music invites those who are listening -
So, Do you hear the music?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Real Love Remembered

Press Play on the video:
Music will play as you read the story...

Early summer 1947: Alice was twenty years old and feeling
tired from summer school. She ate little for dinner and retired
early to her room. Sometime around nine o'clock, Alice's stomach
began to ache for want of food.

Not until she reached the kitchen, did Alice notice all the lights
in the house were off and the gramophone loving produced Debussy.
She slowly stepped into the adjoining room.

Outside the living room window, two people sat side by side.
A petite figure resting it's head against the large shoulder next to it.
Alice quietly crept closer to get a better look.

Her parents, seldom displaying physical affection for one
another, were holding hands and gazing at the moon
on a peaceful summer night.

Claire de Lune danced on the humid air,
along with the rhythmic cicadas,
as longtime lovers enjoyed each others company.

Noiselessly, Alice made her way back through the house.
Eventually finding the way back to her room. Rarely a time passed,
when Alice heard the romantic sounds of Claire de Lune,
did she not think of her parents.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy to have a Home.

The photograph pictured above was taken on "The Hill"

The Hill is where the homeless of San Francisco hangout.

With all the hard days that I face going to work, attending class,
and fulfilling my other obligations.......

I remember life is hard for the homeless.

From the safety of my kitchen table I write

In the comfort of my soft bed I dream

Driving in my new car I make exciting plans

I'm always cooking up new meals to consume

I know that people care about me

My desire is to continually encourage others

to always be the best them

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My neighbor is over 65

I woke up this morning to the sound of a weed-wacker and a man's voice outside my bedroom window. My response was to roll over and go back to sleep.

About an hour later I pulled myself out of bed and moseyed around the kitchen another hour before I stepped outside onto my font porch - where I found Bill, my neighbor, sweeping up the grass particles he had created while edging my yard.

After beautifying my yard - Bill checked the oil in my car.

I'll be baking him something nice this week.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My first post of goodness....

Three people waiting in line alongside me to donate blood.

I picked up my phone to call Mama, "Mom, where are you? Are you near the hospital? will you come hold my hand?...I'm going to donate blood...ok, ok, see you soon. Thanks Mom" (p.s. I'm almost 30)

In 15 minutes I learned:

Man #1: Lived in Ghana a short while - volunteering in hospitals, Loves the Texas Longhorns and flirting with freckled faced

Woman #1: Donates blood every 6 months, has two children - one delivered naturally after 14 hours of labor and the second
child cesarean due to the nature of the baby's breech position. She also spent two days in Paris last November.

Woman #2: Just moved here from California and was appalled at the lack of recycling options available in her new home state.
She has always had an interest in composting...to further her efforts in reducing waste - I gave her some tips.

Isn't it nice how easily you can make friends?

Oh yeah, save a life...donate blood!